Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
So anyways, as you will have all noticed with yr regular checking and what-not, this durn blog got took down. (Thanks for telling me). I'm guessing it hit six months with no post or summat.
So I sent an email to the bowels of google and -lo and behold - they put it back up! Think I outflanked 'em with my legal jargon and my 'what about doing no evil??!!' and such.
Also: Consider this blog reborn as a journey along the internal calendar that is childbirth. Methinks there will be no actual geographical adventures for a time so we'll all have to make do with the miracle of life instead. OK?
So I sent an email to the bowels of google and -lo and behold - they put it back up! Think I outflanked 'em with my legal jargon and my 'what about doing no evil??!!' and such.
Also: Consider this blog reborn as a journey along the internal calendar that is childbirth. Methinks there will be no actual geographical adventures for a time so we'll all have to make do with the miracle of life instead. OK?
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The unbearable lightness of being charged so little for beer
Hi kids,
Just a quick one cos right now breakfast is waiting. Myself (that's english for me) Ash and Ash's mum Julie have been in Prague for 2 nights. We're staying at the 'Orchid room', a privately rented apartment located on the west side of the river amongst all the consulates and pretty buildings. While a tad more
pricey than hostel(-ile?) style accom (20 quid each per night) these places rebalance the bang/buck ratio just nicely, and it means we aren't subjecting -the extreme sport in her stride taking, don' get me wrong- Julie to our usual camping/hobo-ing methods like we did in Scotland a few weeks back. Tis nice.
Anyways, we off to Chesky Crumlov today to see castle action, then on to Buddha-pest to do whatever people do there (eat, judging by the country name, although the folks of Bangkok always seemed to prefer casual dress, so mebbe my cultural understanding still needs kneading.)
Here's us...
Builings with faux 3-D fx; they invented space invaders here too...
This is the place we ate; awesome paintings on the walls.Hope they never get outed by Lonely Bastard.

Ashley finds her dream man several times...

Here's a communist intelligence test from back in the day...

Michael my friend, have a gander at that. That is half a duck (and a pair of gooses). No longer will I bow in submission to yr turkey leg (sorry to make personal references...) This is out in the back eating section of the aforementioned cafe/bar. The wall is covered with pics of the owners/staff in spots all over the globe. Nice one.
Please note Julie's London tan is coming along nicely.

Relaxing time on the river. Beer prices float upward 100%+ to nearly 2/3 of London prices. You have been warned!?!
Just a quick one cos right now breakfast is waiting. Myself (that's english for me) Ash and Ash's mum Julie have been in Prague for 2 nights. We're staying at the 'Orchid room', a privately rented apartment located on the west side of the river amongst all the consulates and pretty buildings. While a tad more
pricey than hostel(-ile?) style accom (20 quid each per night) these places rebalance the bang/buck ratio just nicely, and it means we aren't subjecting -the extreme sport in her stride taking, don' get me wrong- Julie to our usual camping/hobo-ing methods like we did in Scotland a few weeks back. Tis nice.
Anyways, we off to Chesky Crumlov today to see castle action, then on to Buddha-pest to do whatever people do there (eat, judging by the country name, although the folks of Bangkok always seemed to prefer casual dress, so mebbe my cultural understanding still needs kneading.)
Here's us...
Builings with faux 3-D fx; they invented space invaders here too...

This is the place we ate; awesome paintings on the walls.Hope they never get outed by Lonely Bastard.

Ashley finds her dream man several times...

Here's a communist intelligence test from back in the day...

Michael my friend, have a gander at that. That is half a duck (and a pair of gooses). No longer will I bow in submission to yr turkey leg (sorry to make personal references...) This is out in the back eating section of the aforementioned cafe/bar. The wall is covered with pics of the owners/staff in spots all over the globe. Nice one.
Please note Julie's London tan is coming along nicely.

Relaxing time on the river. Beer prices float upward 100%+ to nearly 2/3 of London prices. You have been warned!?!

Sunday, May 27, 2007
point three reoccuring
Happy birthday Ashie. 1/3 of the way there. Still no signs of maturation. Love, Leon
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
toe tinglin' hilarity
Ha, I recently signed up for Adsense to be added to our blogsite. I have no illusions about making my first million, but I figured it couldn't hurt, and it took a fuk of a lot less time to do than signing up with Ausmusic.
Anyways, thought I'd have a gander at the blog today to see if I'd caught any comment fishies (none - bastards!) when I noticed the ad listed was for natural therapy gout treatments. Now I do have no good things to say about snake oil in any form, but the idea that the little google spider chewed up & contemplated my anguished comments to do with my recent affliction, before regurgitating that lil gem just about brings a tear to me goddamn eye. *Sniff*
Anyways, I don't give a rats if you click on the ads (there, contractual obligation met) but if you're interested in my new range of holistic pod treatments gimme a call...
Anyways, thought I'd have a gander at the blog today to see if I'd caught any comment fishies (none - bastards!) when I noticed the ad listed was for natural therapy gout treatments. Now I do have no good things to say about snake oil in any form, but the idea that the little google spider chewed up & contemplated my anguished comments to do with my recent affliction, before regurgitating that lil gem just about brings a tear to me goddamn eye. *Sniff*
Anyways, I don't give a rats if you click on the ads (there, contractual obligation met) but if you're interested in my new range of holistic pod treatments gimme a call...
Friday, April 20, 2007
will oeuvre jew
hi folks,
just thought I'd plug one in whilst I'm here alone but still awake.
Unawares those that be: My delightful other half is currently wending her way across Australia (ADEL/BRIS/ADEL - boomerang style; that's some Australian humour there.) She has already slayed the rare & delicious defacto visa bird (like a half parasite half host, with compulsive migratory habits) & we're all very pleased about that. She returns next thursday just in time to greet summer in london.
My partner in sibling ribaldry has also decided to do a flyby down that end for 3 weeks, hitting Darwin, with glances at Syd & Melb. No doubt she's having a grand (if sweaty) time of it also. Bastards both.
Me, I've just spent the last week suffering my 2-3 yearly bout of gout, the affliction of the glamourous or thereabout. Fun fun. Though this wonderful disease (afflicting a 90% male population - next time I hear about the ordeal of secret womens' business I'm gonna offer amateur protological advice off my cuff goddammit!!) has historical links with high living eating drinking etc. None of which I seem to have benefited from as a prelude. Just cos yr really keen: Gout occurs when yr kidneys can't process uric acid (y'know, wee-ic acid) sufficiently so instead releases it into yon bloodstream instead. Then a crystal of the delightful stuff hits an extremity (big toe's very popular) and plugs up a capillary. Onward swelling, pain, suffering.
Anyways, as you know, I hate to whinge & I'm all better now so...good.
Recently hosted the lovely Jen & Andy for a coupla days which was just delightful. Having just finished their 5 months in York they've made the decision to stay in London and work for the next 3 months instead of headn to Ireland to try their luck there. I'm amongst a large Oz contingent who's glad to have them around til then.
Just earlier I had the delightful Penny & Sam from Adelaide staying for a bit during the London leg of their Euro trip. They're current traipsing around Euro proper but should be back just in time to catch the rearrival of earlier mentioned jet-settn galfriend. Yay. Definitely nice to have the company while Ash is away. Our lovely housemates are very nice, but it still gets a tad lonely without the kingsized personality we all know and love in a near proximinty.
Hope to have more to report and the discipline to do so over summer. Check back and say hi unless yr, gaaarn.
The hibernation is will & trudy over penguins.
PS: Just recently downloaded the 2 seasons of SPACED (Shaun of the Dead etc precursor). I shoulda been payn attention to when Matty B raved about them 3 years ago. Better late than I spose. Y'all now do yoself a fava, yr uncle Matt was right (on this one...)
Also: Fav band DEERHOOF. How can such well educated musicians come up with such childlike joy? I'm gunna find out May 2, dammit.
just thought I'd plug one in whilst I'm here alone but still awake.
Unawares those that be: My delightful other half is currently wending her way across Australia (ADEL/BRIS/ADEL - boomerang style; that's some Australian humour there.) She has already slayed the rare & delicious defacto visa bird (like a half parasite half host, with compulsive migratory habits) & we're all very pleased about that. She returns next thursday just in time to greet summer in london.
My partner in sibling ribaldry has also decided to do a flyby down that end for 3 weeks, hitting Darwin, with glances at Syd & Melb. No doubt she's having a grand (if sweaty) time of it also. Bastards both.
Me, I've just spent the last week suffering my 2-3 yearly bout of gout, the affliction of the glamourous or thereabout. Fun fun. Though this wonderful disease (afflicting a 90% male population - next time I hear about the ordeal of secret womens' business I'm gonna offer amateur protological advice off my cuff goddammit!!) has historical links with high living eating drinking etc. None of which I seem to have benefited from as a prelude. Just cos yr really keen: Gout occurs when yr kidneys can't process uric acid (y'know, wee-ic acid) sufficiently so instead releases it into yon bloodstream instead. Then a crystal of the delightful stuff hits an extremity (big toe's very popular) and plugs up a capillary. Onward swelling, pain, suffering.
Anyways, as you know, I hate to whinge & I'm all better now so...good.
Recently hosted the lovely Jen & Andy for a coupla days which was just delightful. Having just finished their 5 months in York they've made the decision to stay in London and work for the next 3 months instead of headn to Ireland to try their luck there. I'm amongst a large Oz contingent who's glad to have them around til then.
Just earlier I had the delightful Penny & Sam from Adelaide staying for a bit during the London leg of their Euro trip. They're current traipsing around Euro proper but should be back just in time to catch the rearrival of earlier mentioned jet-settn galfriend. Yay. Definitely nice to have the company while Ash is away. Our lovely housemates are very nice, but it still gets a tad lonely without the kingsized personality we all know and love in a near proximinty.
Hope to have more to report and the discipline to do so over summer. Check back and say hi unless yr, gaaarn.
The hibernation is will & trudy over penguins.
PS: Just recently downloaded the 2 seasons of SPACED (Shaun of the Dead etc precursor). I shoulda been payn attention to when Matty B raved about them 3 years ago. Better late than I spose. Y'all now do yoself a fava, yr uncle Matt was right (on this one...)
Also: Fav band DEERHOOF. How can such well educated musicians come up with such childlike joy? I'm gunna find out May 2, dammit.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
leons' dumb blog post
Your Inner European is Spanish! |
![]() Energetic and lively. You bring the party with you! |
Friday, February 09, 2007
things i like that u might 2
OK, short & to the point; again, not a lot a blabbing available that would add to &/or wouldn't disfigure yr viewing of this film. general, gentlefolk.
Christopher Nolan is shit-hot. Christian Bale/ Hugh Jackman/ Michael Caine/ Scarlet Johanssen likewise. There's not a lot arty, obscure or difficult to grasp in this film. Except that after u see it u (meaning i) start wondering (loudly) why evryone else in the film game can't raise their tired arse to this level of polish. Go see this film.
(nice touch with the bowie & the thom yorke too).
Christopher Nolan is shit-hot. Christian Bale/ Hugh Jackman/ Michael Caine/ Scarlet Johanssen likewise. There's not a lot arty, obscure or difficult to grasp in this film. Except that after u see it u (meaning i) start wondering (loudly) why evryone else in the film game can't raise their tired arse to this level of polish. Go see this film.
(nice touch with the bowie & the thom yorke too).
Monday, February 05, 2007
things i like that u might 1
my usual movie review methodology involves tapping someone wildly on the shoulder with one hand, gesticulating excitedly with the other hand or a beer in aforementioned hand, & trying - whilst exuberantly prop-giving the film - to remember to not reveal that bjorks' character dies at the end (true story). however, with the burden of distance at my disposal, i seem to require a more traditional approach. so...
me n ash n rach headed out to see this saturday nite in leceister square, at the prince charles cinema (i guess he's a sponsor of some sort; haven't seen him there tho). i had already downloaded the film, but decided after hearing a few things that this was worth holding out for on the 'big screen' (me n ash watched in again at home sunday nite).
i can't say much at all about the things i liked about this film without giving u ideas that'd be better received as an unpreconceived punch in the face, but lemme say that this film was so pleasing to me on so many levels; i'm sure that if anyone shares even one of those appreciations with me u'll get yr moneys worth. this film is so beautiful that after watching it i'm actually going to go back & watch the harry potter film alfonso cuaron did, & i've been avoiding that franchise like the plague til now. catfish?
i'm starting 2 think clive owen is a pretty solid actor too. after initially seeing him in closer (thank u jenny) i've since seen him in sin city (what's not to like?) & king arthur (shocking, terrible - but great male ensemble actors- joel edgerton, mads mikkelsen, stellan skarsgard, ray winstone - oright!) i reckon clive's got the goods anyways. wonder if he got asked 2 do bond?
anyways, go see this one. ok, here's three (not reely spoily) things in the movie i liked: in the court of the crimson king, cover of animals, 10 minutes 1 camera. holy moley!
me n ash n rach headed out to see this saturday nite in leceister square, at the prince charles cinema (i guess he's a sponsor of some sort; haven't seen him there tho). i had already downloaded the film, but decided after hearing a few things that this was worth holding out for on the 'big screen' (me n ash watched in again at home sunday nite).
i can't say much at all about the things i liked about this film without giving u ideas that'd be better received as an unpreconceived punch in the face, but lemme say that this film was so pleasing to me on so many levels; i'm sure that if anyone shares even one of those appreciations with me u'll get yr moneys worth. this film is so beautiful that after watching it i'm actually going to go back & watch the harry potter film alfonso cuaron did, & i've been avoiding that franchise like the plague til now. catfish?
i'm starting 2 think clive owen is a pretty solid actor too. after initially seeing him in closer (thank u jenny) i've since seen him in sin city (what's not to like?) & king arthur (shocking, terrible - but great male ensemble actors- joel edgerton, mads mikkelsen, stellan skarsgard, ray winstone - oright!) i reckon clive's got the goods anyways. wonder if he got asked 2 do bond?
anyways, go see this one. ok, here's three (not reely spoily) things in the movie i liked: in the court of the crimson king, cover of animals, 10 minutes 1 camera. holy moley!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
london snow - like, in the literal sense
it's true! after walking in my usual early morning daze up & down the stairs 3 or 4 times, i managed 2 glance out the window into the dark early morning & saw...THIS!
bit late 4 xmas & not quite enough 2 work on my ski moves, but at least it's not miserable rain & it gives me more opportunity 2 mature past my childish fear of slipping over in the street on leftover icy slush.
more on the way, too. what's cooler than being cool?
bit late 4 xmas & not quite enough 2 work on my ski moves, but at least it's not miserable rain & it gives me more opportunity 2 mature past my childish fear of slipping over in the street on leftover icy slush.
more on the way, too. what's cooler than being cool?
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