Friday, February 09, 2007

things i like that u might 2

OK, short & to the point; again, not a lot a blabbing available that would add to &/or wouldn't disfigure yr viewing of this film. general, gentlefolk.
Christopher Nolan is shit-hot. Christian Bale/ Hugh Jackman/ Michael Caine/ Scarlet Johanssen likewise. There's not a lot arty, obscure or difficult to grasp in this film. Except that after u see it u (meaning i) start wondering (loudly) why evryone else in the film game can't raise their tired arse to this level of polish. Go see this film.
(nice touch with the bowie & the thom yorke too).


Anonymous said...

Yo Roy, what did you think of shortbus? Great flick for a first date eh.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this dude saw it too:

leon and ash said...

i missed shortbus, damn! hope it plays @ the rio soon...hands up who likes hedwig...and explicit sex.

Lisa-Marie CDU said...

I saw Shortbus on the weekend.
I had no idea that it was John Cameron Mitchell or that he had even made another movie.(finger on the pulse , me) I just liked all the happy looking people on the cover of the dvd - thought it might be a nice hangover day rom-com. I was somewhat surprised.

leon and ash said...

LM, your self-proc prudish rep is lookin more & more threadbare.
Dork, I took Ash to see (Cronenberg's) Crash at Darwin cinema for a first date. Still pretty impressed with myself about that one. Had to take the shortbus home tho...