Just a quick one cos right now breakfast is waiting. Myself (that's english for me) Ash and Ash's mum Julie have been in Prague for 2 nights. We're staying at the 'Orchid room', a privately rented apartment located on the west side of the river amongst all the consulates and pretty buildings. While a tad more
pricey than hostel(-ile?) style accom (20 quid each per night) these places rebalance the bang/buck ratio just nicely, and it means we aren't subjecting -the extreme sport in her stride taking, don' get me wrong- Julie to our usual camping/hobo-ing methods like we did in Scotland a few weeks back. Tis nice.
Anyways, we off to Chesky Crumlov today to see castle action, then on to Buddha-pest to do whatever people do there (eat, judging by the country name, although the folks of Bangkok always seemed to prefer casual dress, so mebbe my cultural understanding still needs kneading.)
Here's us...
Builings with faux 3-D fx; they invented space invaders here too...

This is the place we ate; awesome paintings on the walls.Hope they never get outed by Lonely Bastard.

Ashley finds her dream man several times...

Here's a communist intelligence test from back in the day...

Michael my friend, have a gander at that. That is half a duck (and a pair of gooses). No longer will I bow in submission to yr turkey leg (sorry to make personal references...) This is out in the back eating section of the aforementioned cafe/bar. The wall is covered with pics of the owners/staff in spots all over the globe. Nice one.
Please note Julie's London tan is coming along nicely.

Relaxing time on the river. Beer prices float upward 100%+ to nearly 2/3 of London prices. You have been warned!?!

Cute headline, you silly Kundera
Hehe, love the pics. But I want MORE!
For fuck's sake. Update your blog people!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps That was said with nothing short of ultimate affection. xoxo
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