Look, its Zoe the eskimo girl! Altho Inuit is the preferred nomenclature, dude!
it's only been 1 month since leon last wrote anything here, but it seems like much much longer. since our arrival in London, we have had many debauched nights in hammertown with the hammer crew (jen & kate we love yr work!) and also had a few shennanigans with cath west over in little venice. we have visited zoe

& james in dublin and drank guinness, and we ate haggis and black pud

with lizzie & claire in scotland. Note the piccie of the FULL SCOTTISH BREAKFAST. That little black disk is BLACK PUDDING. It's a remedy for Bunyip breath. Or is it a cause..?

This is the sort of thing i came to the uk to enjoy. Good times. My birthday adventures will be reported in the next post, and it was all made even better, if that is actually possible, by a happy birthday phone call from the crew in briswegia, as organised by me old mates sal and angie. nice work girls!!!
By the way, I think the Beltane Festival

in Edinburgh really deserved a blog entry all of it's own, but well who has time for blogging in these hectic modern times? Only reason I'm managing to do this now is because I've chucked a sickie!!! Ooh look, naked people! The RED DEVILS making merry before the coming of the MAY QUEEN!

And then of course there was the morning after (he he he, that was a good one. I crashed at 7:45am and woke up to get the train

at 8:10) and the long sleep on the trainride home.

Bless Lizzie and Claire and Sarah for supplying us with out Scottish EMERGENCY TRAIN SURVIVAL KIT!

Scottish hospitality is unsurpassed! Cheers girls and we'll be seeing you soon...
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