hey you mob!
we had a karaoke night at the new house on friday to celebrate our arrival and make it crystal clear to the rest of the household that we are ROCK & RAWL! our housemates were like "ooh yeah, great, i'm not singing...no not me...oh yeah cool, you go girl..." and you know what? all those shy flowers turned into KARAOKE CARNIVORES and were fighting for the mike, as ya do.

karaoke was a sleepover extravaganza, with mates rearranging the furniture so they could gently drift back down to earth in each other's fleshy embrace. aaaw. it was beautiful. bodies everywhere. english breakfast. kickn the ball in the park next day, ash finally breached the barrier and learnt to HEAD BUTT. yeah. feeling more english everyday...but not. know what i mean?
photos soon...
miss yez, love yez,
we love hackney. we are diggn the borough!

by the way, here is a shot of the cool stage curtain when we went to see the mighty boosh the other month...with jen and stu, it was rad
Brings back memories... "mama mia, mama mia let me go"...
Kick butt (or is that headbutt?)
Jensta. xx
By the way guys, you're tagged. Check out me blog for details - you need to reveal 6 weird things about yourself and all that crap.
Come on, it'll be good for ya - nothing like a deadline to get the old writing coming thick and fast. Or something.
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