Hey you mob. Even ıf your pıc doesnt appear here, you know who you are. Im sick with chic flu. Its the flu only girls get which is why Leon is so sickeningly healthy. Thıs flu is making me homesick. So here are some photos of all the folks we know and love so well. You are all so damn good looking! And so youve got something to read along with these pretty pictures I may as well update you. Today I tried for the last time to get a cheque in pounds sterling so I could pay for my registration as a teacher ın Scotland. No bank here, including HSBC, wants to take my money. So it will have to wait until we reach UK. After that, Leon & I went and sat in a park. I tried to sleep & he tried to read. I desperately needed somewhere to be ill & sleepy and didnt want to impose on our friends by sneezing, coughing, wheezing & being generally completely fucking miserable and bad company in their home. I also didnt want to offend our friends who have welcomed us to stay in what little space they have by choosing to get a room in a hostel instead. So we went to the park where I tried to chill out & relax. This plan backfired dramatically when I ended up balling my eyes out because I felt so sick and so homeless. Leon came to my rescue, got me a cup of tea and a simit (Turkish bread snacks - excellent!) and then he went & found Deniz at her offıce. She escorted us straıght back to her house, gave me some paracetamol (on top of all the Nurofen+ Ive been munching) and some pseudoefodrıne (whateva) and put me to bed. Thankyou very much Deniz! I hope one day I can look after her as well as she has looked after me, twice now, in health and ın sıckness. Leon is now in the kitchen cooking up a big feed of spag bol, all these guys think he is a legend (& as we all know, he is). Burak (Denizs boyfrıend) walked ın the door from work and offered to take me to hospıtal. Im about 100% sure he was takıng the pıss. Maybe he wıll catch my flu and then I can offer to take hım to hospıtal.
Awww...love you guys.
Hope you're feeling better Ash! xx
I miss you Mango Lick.
If I know one thing about ya Ash, you're a trooper. A stay in the park is just a walk in the park for like of youse.
Good to see you are still adventuring in life.
Much love,
Davey aka THE PREDATOR :)
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