i can see u nodding yr heads knowingly at this point, but wait: i've been d(f)ishonest! in actual fact these so -called islands are submerged bodies covered in coral reefs...oh, u knew that? well, anyway...
after my usual 5 minute tantrum about snorkel, mask, salt water in every orifice, unfashionable flippers, the fact that flippers are meant to be called fins, and my speedos being too tight, we blub-blubbed our way out into the "delicate ecosystem". some fish we saw looked like these other fish snatched off of random websites (yoink!)

a fish we didn't see was this one:

the elusive lionfish (y'know, like out of naked gun - "byootifool...an' diddly!". also hard to spot. 'parently they don' like thi coolder weether, jew knaw? ash reckons in the warm period of the year (like when she was here last) they're as prominent as the flies.
hey, saw one of these:

pretty handsome, eh? the one we saw was only a foot or so, but they get reeely fuking big, or would if people didn't keep pulling them out of the water. bad humans!
i do think i'm definitely having fish tonight, however.
hey! check back soon for a deep sea blub-blub update from a mystery diver (or two).
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