Tuesday, April 24, 2007

toe tinglin' hilarity

Ha, I recently signed up for Adsense to be added to our blogsite. I have no illusions about making my first million, but I figured it couldn't hurt, and it took a fuk of a lot less time to do than signing up with Ausmusic.
Anyways, thought I'd have a gander at the blog today to see if I'd caught any comment fishies (none - bastards!) when I noticed the ad listed was for natural therapy gout treatments. Now I do have no good things to say about snake oil in any form, but the idea that the little google spider chewed up & contemplated my anguished comments to do with my recent affliction, before regurgitating that lil gem just about brings a tear to me goddamn eye. *Sniff*
Anyways, I don't give a rats if you click on the ads (there, contractual obligation met) but if you're interested in my new range of holistic pod treatments gimme a call...

Friday, April 20, 2007

will oeuvre jew

hi folks,
just thought I'd plug one in whilst I'm here alone but still awake.
Unawares those that be: My delightful other half is currently wending her way across Australia (ADEL/BRIS/ADEL - boomerang style; that's some Australian humour there.) She has already slayed the rare & delicious defacto visa bird (like a half parasite half host, with compulsive migratory habits) & we're all very pleased about that. She returns next thursday just in time to greet summer in london.
My partner in sibling ribaldry has also decided to do a flyby down that end for 3 weeks, hitting Darwin, with glances at Syd & Melb. No doubt she's having a grand (if sweaty) time of it also. Bastards both.
Me, I've just spent the last week suffering my 2-3 yearly bout of gout, the affliction of the glamourous or thereabout. Fun fun. Though this wonderful disease (afflicting a 90% male population - next time I hear about the ordeal of secret womens' business I'm gonna offer amateur protological advice off my cuff goddammit!!) has historical links with high living eating drinking etc. None of which I seem to have benefited from as a prelude. Just cos yr really keen: Gout occurs when yr kidneys can't process uric acid (y'know, wee-ic acid) sufficiently so instead releases it into yon bloodstream instead. Then a crystal of the delightful stuff hits an extremity (big toe's very popular) and plugs up a capillary. Onward swelling, pain, suffering.
Anyways, as you know, I hate to whinge & I'm all better now so...good.
Recently hosted the lovely Jen & Andy for a coupla days which was just delightful. Having just finished their 5 months in York they've made the decision to stay in London and work for the next 3 months instead of headn to Ireland to try their luck there. I'm amongst a large Oz contingent who's glad to have them around til then.
Just earlier I had the delightful Penny & Sam from Adelaide staying for a bit during the London leg of their Euro trip. They're current traipsing around Euro proper but should be back just in time to catch the rearrival of earlier mentioned jet-settn galfriend. Yay. Definitely nice to have the company while Ash is away. Our lovely housemates are very nice, but it still gets a tad lonely without the kingsized personality we all know and love in a near proximinty.
Hope to have more to report and the discipline to do so over summer. Check back and say hi unless yr scared...no, gaaarn.
The hibernation is will & trudy over penguins.

PS: Just recently downloaded the 2 seasons of SPACED (Shaun of the Dead etc precursor). I shoulda been payn attention to when Matty B raved about them 3 years ago. Better late than I spose. Y'all now do yoself a fava, yr uncle Matt was right (on this one...)
Also: Fav band right...now. DEERHOOF. How can such well educated musicians come up with such childlike joy? I'm gunna find out May 2, dammit.