So here are some more fun photos of the weekend in Edinburgh when I went flat hunting and once again the girls extended their fabulous hospitality. And Ashley drank much too much wine. Again. And we discovered the joys of Magners Irish cider. Yum. Lizzie and Sarah, you are bad influences! Oh, and there's also a coupla pics of Leon attacking our backyard with a scythe because it's bbq weather and the freakn mower doesn't work. And how vein am I? I just love posting up photos of MYSELF!!! ha.
Happy to see you representin' and keeping it real on the oz white wine side. I am assuming there was a cool sem sauv blanc in there....such as we shared her in the big D.
Keep up the good work, and I will never tire of seeing pics of your happy drunken face.
Keep up the good work
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I love that hackney backyard innit
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