Hey you mob. Check it out. On my birthday, we hired a zippy little vehicle and headed out of London on the M5. Traffic was a bit of a nightmare at first and it was pissing down, but our trusty driver Rachel steered us safely into the carpark at Windsor palace, whilst I received a very merry birthday call from our Briswegian posse. After a very professional rendition of 'happy birthday' (you mob are good singers hey! wonderlungs!) it was kind of like speed dating, with the phone ricocheting from one freak to another and me trying to tell everyone what was going on in new and exciting ways each time...meanwhile Leon and Rach battled it out for control of navigation in the front, while Zoe remained patient...

Hey Sal, can you see what the sticker on this car says??? It says ASHMOLE and then 'Have you dropped one'! I was squinting into the diabolical English sun for this photo. I just hope you appreciate that.
After Windsor, it was onwards to Glastonbury, where we drank beers, finally found a camp, pitched the tent in darkness next to a big pile of cow shit, and then slept. Next morning, we drove to the BEACH to fulfil one of my birthday wishes, stopping at Dunster along the way. Nearly left Leon there, the name of the place just seemed to fit some how. (Oooh!) The beach itself was somewhat of an anti-climax, altho our full English breakfast was bonza.

Whipped back to Glastonbury again and climbed the TOR and shared a bottle of yummy plum wine! Oh, knights in shining armour and all that jazz. I think I saw Arthur and Guinevere kissing behind one of those hedgerows...oh no, it was just a blackfaced sheep and her wee lamb. Oh.
Then we went to STONEHENGE to fulfill yet another of my dreams. And it was CHOICE. Zoe rubbed her bum all over those stones. Oh yeah. Go Zo! We kissed them. We stroked them. We rolled around and drank silver birch wine (yuck!). It was rad. We also visited Silbury, and the stone circle at Avebury, which was ripper too.

Ended up our holiday in Edinburgh with our Scottish lassies. Sarah & Liz, Claire & Kirsteen, we LOVE YOU!
Have found a flat to share in Edinburgh over the summer. Roll on Edinburgh fest!
So are you all happy? I know its a lot to cram into one posting, but hey, we've got to give our public
something! It was fabulous doing a giant dance round the countryside...