happening upon a particular photo in michaels' collection led to a revelation. it seems that for a brief period each morning before full clothing has been donned, the berkmans leave their university teachin', straight 7's achievin' bodies and become... the kings of interpretive dance!
using only the power of their thermals the boys are able to weave tales of great depth and complexity. needless to say ash and i were overjoyed to be able to participate in such a worthy enterprise. here's the proof: with michael (and mebbe doug) to be added as soon as we can catch them bastardos...

Love the interpretive dance! Have been known to do a bit myself. Michael- I want to see some from you. I actually caught up on some myself on the weekend, the photo's aren't half as interesting though, LOVE the matching thermals guys!
Yours truley through interpretive dance, Sally.
Love the blog guys - and miss you miss you! Can't believe the photos they are just outta this world. Make sure you keep the entries coming hot and fast (well maybe not hot) as I've got you bookmarked now, so will be expecting great (and regular) things!
Also, can say on behalf of the Sal-ster that I was witness to her interpretive dance and I have to say it probably wasn't half as interesting, as she said...maybe more like 38% or so as interesting. But keep going Sal and you'll get there.
Love you guys,
It was so interesting thanks Jen!!!!!!!! I'm sure the folks in Nimbin thought so!
can't believe how good thermals can look-go Ashley,leon & friends!!!
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