so anyways,
we've hosted the brookmeister

and the pangosaurus (hey, i just made that up - oh, u noticed...)

& now it's back 2 lonesome, no friends from home leon & ash. luckily we've got 2 recent housemates in the form of luca (from milan) & chris (from uganda) to remind us (if u could possibly forget with me repeating it ad naus) that it's only the english who ruin england for the rest of us.
i think the english should do with their motherland what they've done with their mother tongue
- forget about it! and by the way, i think the scots - far from trying 2 organise a wussy autonomy-
should get their shit together and organise a takeover of this place. occupations a very popular these days, and if they could win the hearts (guiness & magners borrowed from the irish'd probly do it) of the great white unwashed, i don't think their minds would be any danger 2 lose sleep over. jus a thought. where's mel gibson when u need him?
speaking of crazy anti-semites, i was sitting in this very place (leceister square) yesterday and the 'middle eastern' looking guy sitting in the next seat starts sparkin' up with all this gibberish about money & the koran & accomplices & the koran & thank you 4 the support & the koran & "...but not the jews" etc. i was sitting to the right of him so i couldn't see if there was anything in his left ear, but for all the extra sense it would've provided he coulda been on a direct line to god (but he kept addressing 2 people; might there have been a sinister figure seated off-camera?)
anyways, this nut got up and left after 10-15 mins of this. he took his 2 suitcases too, i was happy to see. thought about letting someone know about this but i reckon there's one wannabe muslim extremist 4 evry loud-mouth cockney on the bus makin' a deal at the top of his lungs. i feel safe enough.